Saturday, November 13, 2010

Drawing Dinosaurs

After snack while we are waiting for everyone to finish the children are encouraged to either draw in their journals or read books.  This child decided to do both.  I found her in library area on the sofa with the dinosaur dictionary on her lap with her journal open with her pencil busily moving across her paper.

Ms. Carole Dawn, "What are you drawing?"
Ashley, "A stegosaurus."
Ms. Carole Dawn, "Cool.  How do you know it is a stegosaurus?"
Ashley, "Because it has spines on its back, see?  Look in the book Ms. Carole Dawn, it looks just like the stegosaurus in the book.  Let me show you."
Ms. Carole Dawn after looking at the picture of the stegosaurus that Ashley showed her in the book, "You are right, stegosauruses do have spines on their backs!"
Ashley smiles at Ms. Carole Dawn like Ms. Carole Dawn is about the dumbest teacher that has ever lived.  Ms. Carole Dawn smiles like Ashley is about the smartest preschooler that ever lived!