Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Mat Man

Ms. Brenda teaches the PM class HWT (our printing letters program) every Tuesday afternoon.  She started by teaching the students about Mat Man.  The curriculum also has a song about Mat Man.  Mat Man is made up out of big lines and little lines, big curves and little curves.  All letters are also made up of big lines and little lines, little curves and big curves.  Mat Man is the basis of all letters the children will learn to draw this year.

Ms. Brenda making Mat Man's head with two big curves.

One of the children drawing Mat Man on a dry erase board.

Another child drawing Mat Man using big lines and little lines, big curves and little curves for the arms, legs, head, ears, hands and feat.  He is really paying attention to the details after helping Ms. Brenda build Mat Man and sing the song.

Another interpretation of Mat Man.  This student called him "Fat Man".

Ms. Brenda and one of the student's building Mat Man together.

Ms. Brenda showing the students the difference between a big line and a little line.  You can also call them long lines and short lines.