Monday, September 13, 2010

Large Muscle Development

This looks like so much fun!  The children really enjoyed this part of the exercise.  The children were able to work on strengthening upper body muscles while propelling themselves under the cones.
This child is working on improving his balance by stepping from one colored cup to another.
Motor planning is required for the children to move a large ball through the tunnel using only their heads and not their hands.  This also promotes problem solving and thinking ahead.
Our occupational therapist, Ms. Deborah set up this really cool exercise for us last Tuesday.  The chidlren were so excited to do this activity.  They not only exercised, used their ability to think and problem solve, but they also reinforced their vocabulary by using the concepts of over, under, around and through.  Use these positional words often at home.  This helps them understand where things are in relationship to themselves and to the world around them.