Monday, April 11, 2011

Week of the Young Child - Family Night Part One

Who Are These Masked Marvels?

Tonight the Super Families of Room 411 AM class came to celebrate Week of the Young Child.

 Everyone worked together to create each child's Super Kid Super Hero cape, mask and other accessories.

The parents worked with their children using their imaginations to use the materials to create costumes that reflected each child's unique personality.  Each family really enjoyed the Process and they were not focused on the Product, truly showing their understanding of the importance of play.

The grown-ups had to use the hot glue gun, and the Dad's showed great talent in this area!

This cape is getting it's emblem added.

This mom has to handle the grown up scissors.  She is cutting a bed sheet to make the cape.  Making dress up and pretend play clothes does not have to be expensive, you just have to use a little imagination and use items around the house.

This dad is making sure his Super Kid can see through the mask.

This child wanted to be a princess Super Kid and he mom and dad helped her create super jewelry to go with her costume.  It is important to follow the child's lead so the learning can become important and relevant.  These parents did a great job supporting their child's understanding of what made her a Super Kid!

This dad is helping his Super Kid adjust his mask and get his cuff adjusted "just right" before his little hero takes off for flight.

This mom is helping her daughter use feathers to create super jewelry to go with her new cape.

This dad is helping his daughter make her design for her cape become a reality by gluing her ribbon on for her so it doesn't fall off during flight.

We will post more pictures and updates on Week of the Young Child during the week and next week.  We want to thank all of the AM parents who came tonight and supported their Super Kid this week.  We had a great time with you!  We look forward to seeing our PM Super Families on Wednesday night.