Saturday, February 19, 2011

Education for the Real World | BrainWorld

If I could beg, plead, mandate, or force each of the parents of every child I have ever taught or ever will teach to read just one thing about how their child's brain actually learns this would be the article.

Theses are scary time for education. 100 teachers and administrators laid off. Huge budget shortfalls for states leading to unimaginable cuts in early childhood, elementary, secondary and special education. Larger classrooms. Smaller budgets for education. Fewer resources for special education. It is critical for parents to know how their child's brain learns, what the latest research shows is best practice for education and how to advocate for the best possible education in these financially tight times.

It is also more important than ever that parents take their role as their children's first and most important educators seriously and support their child's education at home. I think this magazine does a great job of putting education and brain research into plain, enjoyable and easy a to understand language for parents and educators to understand. It also has many practical ideas to use with your children both in the classroom and at home.

PLEASE read this small article and come and talk to me about it, email me a short little message about what you thought about the message or just drop me a note about what you learned or tried at home. Educating your child is a team effort, we do this together, in tandem. It is dance. We take turns leading and following with your child. The old African proverb "It takes a village to raise a child" is very true and very much alive in our classroom philosophy. Email me at when you read this. I am looking forward to hearing your thoughts.

Enjoy your long weekend. Do something fun with your child. Below is the direct link to the article. Just click on it and away you go!

Education for the Real World BrainWorld