Tuesday, January 25, 2011

SNOWBALLS and collage art

This is the book we are focusing on in class right now. 

In your newsletter you saw some examples of collage artwork done by the children and their families inspired by this book.  I am including a few of the pages from this book as an example of collage art as illustration.  The children LOVE this story because of the illustrations.  If you can, borrow this book from the library and read it with your child.  Actually, your child could probably read it to you!  Here are some of the pages from the book.

Below are examples of some of the art work that has already been brought in and shared with the class.

     These are a few examples of some of the art work that has been done so far by some of the students and their families at home.  We hope everyone will bring their snow person (or snow cat, or snow dog, or snow dragon, it doesn't matter) to school no latter than February 4th, 2011 which is next Friday.  We will be taking pictures of each child's art work.  They will printed off in color and placed into page protectors.  The children will write the stories for their illustration and each story will be compiled into one big book for our library.  This will be the wrap up project for our snow unit.  We really appreciate your support on this project!  Keep checking back for more information.