Monday, August 23, 2010

The First Week

I am uploading a few pictures to show you some of the activities the children participated in the first three days of school.  I will add much more content to the blog in the following weeks including links contacts to the staff of room 411.  Enjoy!

Reading with a friend, learning to turn pages left to right, context clues, taking turns
Building with blocks, creating bridges and towers, using their imagination
Getting ready write letters, names and words, learning how to correctly hold a pen/crayon/pencil, forming lines and squiggles
Painting, fine motor development for learning to hold a pencil, patterning and ordering objects

Developing large muscle strength and cordination.

Jumping in puddles after a big rain!
Discovering our shadows, learning about the sun, clouds, weather and water
Discovering nature, water displacement, observing changes in the natural environment